....TAIL_FIN ETIQUETTE.....For the guy or gal who goes through life backwards. Among those who are concerned with fine manners, this is one of the greatest difficulties of our modern age. The car you own (or borrow) may well come equipped with glorious tail fins, but mere politeness requires that you handle them in a rather discrete manner. The following, for example, are considered unequivocal breeches of etiquette today:........ backing the sharp point of one into the center of a female's derriere;...... using them to open bottles of beer or stuck sardine can lids; .....using them to untie bystander's shoelaces while doing wheelies;...using them to carve your name into highway dividers (a notoriously difficult task); and, the greatest social misdemeanor of all,.....driving up to an outdoor newsstand, skewing a copy of Playboy on the left and Cavalier on the right, and driving off with the fold-outs flapping in the breeze.................